
Yosemite - Rafferty Peak, The Long Way Around

I'm pretty much in a constant battle to keep up with my photo catalogs.  It's not that I don't process my photos right away, because I do, at least nowadays.  The problem is that I didn't way back in the day.  A word of caution to those who who take lots photos-- don't download them and then just think to yourself, "I'll go through those later."  I apparently said that to myself in 2007.  A lot.

In any event, I've been going through my Yosemite catalog, and found a whole bunch of photos that got downloaded and forgotten.  Today's installment is from a cross-country route we took from Tuolumne Meadows over the pass above Elizabeth Lake, down the Echo Creek canyon, then up to Nelson and Reymann Lakes, a quick summit of Rafferty Peak, then down the northeast drainage back to the Rafferty Creek trail.  It was a fantastic hike-- lots of solitude, gorgeous views, and fun and exciting route-finding.


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