
Wedding Invitations

As the date of our wedding draws near, we're starting to tie up all the loose ends and get everything finalized. Every time I look at the to-do list, though, it seems to get longer! My brother, who got hitched last summer, tells me that the final details are never-ending, so I guess it's par for the course.

Along those lines, we're sending out our invitations this week. Since we're a little less than conventional, I designed them myself, and had them printed on a linen paper. I couldn't be happier with the results-- they're very "us!"


Monterey, Carmel and the 17-Mile Drive by Bicycle

Last weekend we decided to try something new, so we took our bicycles down to Monterey for a tour, and I took a camera with me. Monterey has some bike paths that eventually connect you up with the 17-Mile Drive. For those of you not plugged into the golf world, the 17-Mile Drive is a loop of road that goes past some of the more exclusive golf resorts in the country-- Spanish Bay, Spyglass Hill, and, of course, Pebble Beach-- as well as some very exclusive neighborhoods. It's really nice if you get out early, before the throngs of cars, and it's free if you're on a bike (cars pay a fee).

We stopped at a few of the numbered attractions along the way, and I took a few photos here and there.

(Yes, I do ride with a bike trunk even though we're training for a race... my bike's a little cursed, so I take lots of spare tubes and tools with me....)

The problem I discovered with taking the camera with me by bike is that once I got into a good rhythm, I didn't really want to stop to pull the camera out. Additionally, even at a leisurely pace, the scenery goes by much faster on a bike than if you're walking, hiking, or climbing, and I ended up missing the little details that always catch my eye when we're out on foot. All in all, I'd have to say that I much prefer photography on foot, but it was worth a try, and going out to the coast is always gorgeous, not matter what mode of transportation you have!


Champagne Brunch

Last weekend, we traveled on back to the midwest to visit family. My mother-in-law-to-be, Karen, threw a champagne brunch to celebrate our upcoming marriage (October!) on Sunday in East Lansing. It was a fabulous affair-- lots of good food, decorated cookies, cake, and of course, wine! Being the guests of honor precluded my usual prowling around with a camera, so I only managed to get a few shots of some of the roses afterwards.

Karen-- thank you so much for putting on a fantastic event! I know it was a lot of work, and we really appreciate it! Thanks also to Rachel and Scott, Tina, Grace, Whitey, and Bill for helping! Lastly, thanks to everyone who attended and made it a memorable day for us!


New Sample Albums

Over the last several weeks, I've been designing new sample albums and wrapping up loose ends for my own wedding in October! (Hence the lack of blogging...) Things will be back on track this week with plenty of new photos. In the meantime, here's a couple pages from the samples-- they're due to arrive next month!

Happy anniversary, Brian and Rachel, and Rachel and Scott!