
Spring Bouquet

It's been one of those mornings.  We just traded up our old kayaks for some sleeker, faster versions, and were stoked to take them out this morning for a paddle.  Of course, the moment we went to put the boats on the car rack, it started raining.  Again.  For those of you not in the Bay Area, we have had one of the weirdest weather patterns lately.  Rain, rain, and more rain during a time of the year when we're typically getting pretty dry.  Mother Nature's been taking care of the California drought in spades this year, to the point that I'm looking forward to traveling to Michigan soon not only to see family, but also to see the sun!

To brighten up all of our days, here's some sunny yellow (and pink) flowers.  Happy Wednesday, folks!


Spring Bouquet - Sneak Peak

I fully admit I've been lax on the blogging lately.  It's been a very busy several weeks applying for art shows, but I'm proud to say that I've been accepted as a vendor for California Artists, so be on the look out for new show listings in the Events column soon!

In the meantime, here's a sneak peak from my spring flowers shoot earlier this week!

More to come soon!


Oldies but goodies

One of my ongoing projects is reorganizing and cataloging my old photos.  I'm proud to say that I'm now working my way backward through 2007.  To that end, I just found some forgotten photos from our 2007 Thanksgiving trip up the Mendocino coast.  We discovered a few things on that trip.  First, we learned that just because we decided not to make a Thanksgiving dinner didn't mean that everyone else wasn't going to.  Slightly problematic when your accommodations happen to be the back of a pickup truck and every business in the town closes at noon.  Then, we learned that cold weather and foggy conditions make for some very damp and frigid hiking, camping, sleeping, eating and everything else you might do when camped in the back of a pickup truck without heat.

It may sound like a drag, but we still had a ton of fun on that trip.  We did a lot of hiking on the beautiful coast, saw the vast majority of Mendocino by foot, and spent some quality time with the coastal Redwoods. 

Last but not least, here's a photo of Van Damme Beach, where we spent our first night out, at sunset.  Be sure to check out the Twisted Rock Photography website for a new California Coast album!