
Death Valley

Death Valley is one of my favorite places on earth. It's a uniquely beautiful landscape packed with adventure and solitude. For my fiancée Josh's birthday last weekend, we made the long drive down to tackle a few peaks that had eluded us on previous trips, and I'm proud to say we finally made it to the top of Telescope Peak! Third time's a charm, apparently.

Telescope Peak is the tallest peak in the park, towering nearly 12,000 feet over Badwater (on the valley floor). The views stretch for miles and miles from the top (hence the name!), from the High Sierra and Whitney Range in the west, all the way to Mount Charleston, just outside of Las Vegas, in the east.

Pinto Peak is a little-climbed peak in the Panamint Range with a pre-California Desert Protection Act jeep road to the top. The old road is slowly being reclaimed by nature-- at one point, a three-foot-tall Joshua tree stands in the center of the tracks, newly joined this year by two smaller friends-- and meanders along several winding ridges to gain the peak. It's so infrequently visited that the original trail register from 1961 is still at the top, and only 15 or so people per year sign the new register even today.

Both nights we stayed up at the Mahogany Flats campground, which requires a drive up a steep, rutted 4x4 road. The campground is perched on the ridge between Telescope and Wildrose Peaks, and offers some nice, though wooded views east and west.

Now for the photos y'all have been waiting for-- sunset and sunrise from 8,133 feet. Props to Josh for finding a good vantage point for sunrise!


Sunset near Del Valle

The road up to Lake Del Valle Regional Park in Livermore has some great vantage points for shooting across the Tri-Valley area, especially at sunrise and sunset. I headed over the other night to try to catch the harvest moon, but was thwarted by a low, thick cloud cover. By the time the moon rose above the clouds, the intense colors I was hoping to capture were gone. Maybe next time around.... All was not lost, though-- the clouds made for an especially interesting sunset among the hills and oak trees.

Mount Diablo rises up from the valley in the distance.
Have a terrific Tuesday!


Altamont Cruisers Nostalgia Day Car Show - Part 2

As promised, here are more photos from last weekend's show... Enjoy!

I love classic Chevys.

Yet more flames!

Shiny chrome and beautiful paint jobs were definitely the order of the day.

Have a fantastic weekend, folks! I'll be nailing down those last pesky wedding details-- only 22 days!